Thursday, September 23, 2010

'Don't resist and don't cling'

This phrase has been such a gift in my life. It is so simple and yet so profound. Looking at a flower in a vase, you can easily not want it to wilt and may not want them there because they do. Yet how much grace comes when we can watch the process, accept it, and see the beauty in each phase. I had this experience with my 'melt down' this week. I was grateful that so much more quickly I was able to embrace my humanness and say to myself, "I guess you really needed that tonight". Whew. My initial reaction was to resist the 'angst' by trying all the tools in my mental toolbox. Then when I opened my heart to the experience, I melted into it. Well, more like the deep frying experience then melting! After it was passing through, there was that 'clinging' of wanting to just stay in that space and not move through it naturally. Eventually, finding my center and acceptance and with the encouragement of friends, I was able to give it up. AHHHHH.........for great friends and support. Now that the largeness of the upset  is passed (not the circumstances), it's time to apply the 'Don't resist or cling' to thoughts that want to creep up around it. Refocusing on what is and embracing my experience keeps me in my center. It also keeps me very focused since it seems to be every other second I get that 'Golden Opportunity' to practice.

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