Monday, December 13, 2010

Boullie transitioned on 12/9/2010 and wanted to say this:

                                       Letter from Boullie.......'Trust Love'

I'll just get right to it. The most important thing is to 'Trust Love'. The Love, with a capital 'L' and not the small 'l'. When mom was walking and listening to what I wanted to share with her and all of you, she was focusing on my body being gone and wondered what I meant with this 'Trust Love'. I wanted everyone to know that Love is absolutely everywhere,  everything, and everyone. Even more than the air or breathing because that is in form. There can be a vacuum created without air and yet Love is in that space. Just imagine it can never 'not' be present in you or around you. Pause a moment and contemplate the bliss and safety that comes with knowing that. Love permeates all.

Love is more than an emotion or a memory/experience of any person, pet, place or thing. Forms and experiences may be 'keys' to help you become aware of Love and that's what I was for mom and mom was for me. We are grateful for our keys!  Love is not easily put into words because it is not form yet is reflected in form. It is more like a vibration. Love with the small 'l' is an action or emotion you can choose that reflects Love with the big 'L'. Yet it is a reflection like the image in the mirror. The magic of Love is that it takes many forms in that mirror since it is essence and therefore not limited to form.

Doubt is the opposite of Trust. I played with the letters and showed her the words, 'do' and 'but'. An indicator of doubt is when you hear yourself say: BUT what do I have to DO? Know that you do not have to DO anything. Love IS - just BE. Trust Love and you will laugh, be open, vulnerable, and life will flow with ease.  L-O-V-E.  You can be open and vulnerable when you Trust Love. Allowing a joy and playfulness that does not come from doing or surviving. That doesn't mean don't DO anything! It actually embraces doing everything with the awareness of Love making it blissful. Even every simple thing becomes an experience of bliss and joy not to be confused with happiness or easiness. The 'ease' is not about easy or hard and IS about flow. Moving, evolving, and vibrant. There is no judgement or conditions in Love so when you doubt, you might lovingly say to yourself, "Oh, there I go again", and move back into Trust.

O.K. that's the gist of it. You were all keys for me and I appreciate each and every one of you. We all have had our special little moments.

In Love always, Boullie

Some pics mom wanted to put on here and a little story:

Little story of Boullie's transition: A moment after Boullie transitioned, all the dogs in a 360 radius howled for a minute or so. Pretty amazing for an amazing spirit. We were blessed to have him.

                              SOME FIRST PICS - WAS I CUTE OR WHAT!!!!!!


 Last night and day-still peaceful 

 Here's my head to pet virtually as I humbly say, "Love to you"

'BOULLIE'   12/?/1995 - 12/9/2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Words from Enzo.............and Boullie

Enzo is a wise dog:

Enzo is the dog who tells the story of his life and knows his next lifetime will be as a human. He longs to talk so he can communicate his wisdom. He is already ten years old when he was hit by a car and on the drive to the vet,Denny, his owner, is very concerned.  Enzo thinks about a young champion race car driver who died at 34 years of age and every one considered it to be an 'untimely death' but Enzo thinks to himself:  

"I know the truth and I will tell you. He died that day because his body had served it's purpose. His soul had done what it came to do, learned what it came to learn and then was free to leave. I know that if I had already accomplished what I had set out to accomplish here on earth, if I had already learned what I was meant to learn, I would have left the curb one second later than I had and I would have been killed instantly by that car. But I was not killed because I was not finished, I still had work to do."

Even though it is a challenging time to read this book while Boullie is at the end of his days,  it is also a comfort. This passage had me in tears of grace this morning contemplating Boullie's life. I have watched how he inspires people to remember and heal some of their own grief as he would lay his head on their knee while they cried. It is especially apparent now as they watch me go through this seemingly long process. I have heard of everyone's time with their losses of loved family members, both humans and animals. It has been touching and Boullie says, "I'm not quite done yet Mom, still a few more souls to touch." So, a few more souls to touch with his loving and wise spirit as I continue to be grateful to have him here for a little longer.

Boullie's Buddha nature shows here.......................